Data Consolidation and Analytics Quiz Answer - Navi Era - Tech | Tutorial


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Data Consolidation and Analytics Quiz Answer

If you're seeking accurate answers to the Data Consolidation and Analytics Quiz under Innovating with Data and Google Cloud, you've come to the right place. Here, you'll find a comprehensive list of all the questions along with their corresponding answers.
Data Consolidation and Analytics Quiz Answer

Data Consolidation and Analytics Quiz Questions and Answers 

Q1. An organization needs a solution for their data analytics workloads. They need to store, do complex queries, and perform data analysis on large amounts of structured and semi-structured data. Which Google Cloud product would best suit this requirement? Select the correct answer.

Option 1: Cloud Storage
Option 2: BigQuery.
Option 3: Looker
Option 4: Cloud SQL

The Correct Answer for Q1 is Option 2

Q2. Lydia manages a large hotel chain. How can Looker enable Lydia to better serve her customers? Select the correct answer.

Option 1: She can use it to create real-time dashboards.
Option 2: She can use it to containerize important metrics.
Option 3: She can use it to commercialize important metrics for customers.
Option 4: She can use it to create standard static dashboards.

The Correct Answer for Q2 is Option 1

Q3. What is a data lake? Select the correct answer.

Option 1: A decentralized repository of structured and unstructured data.
Option 2: A large pool of data accessible to database administrators only.
Option 3: A repository of raw data and tends to hold ‘back up’ data.
Option 4: A refined data repository accessible by employees and select customers.

The Correct Answer for Q3 is Option 3

Q4. Which of the following is an advantage for storing and managing data in the public cloud? Select the two correct answers.

Option 1: Increased coverage.
Option 2: Increased CapEx.
Option 3: Increased data structure.
Option 4: Elasticity.
Option 5: Speed.

The Correct Answer for Q4 is Option 4, Option 5

Q5. How is data integrity achieved? Select the two correct answers.

Option 1: Through ongoing error checking and validation routines as data is collected.
Option 2: By fully migrating all types of data into a database.
Option 3: By including all types of data regardless of type.
Option 4: By converting all unstructured data into structured data.
Option 5: By implementing a set of rules when a database is first designed.

The Correct Answer for Q5 is Option 1, Option 5

Q6. How do databases and data warehouses differ? Select the correct answer.

Option 1: Databases efficiently process structured data, while data warehouses rapidly process unstructured data.
Option 2: Databases efficiently ingest large amounts of real-time data, while data warehouses rapidly analyze multi-dimensional datasets.
Option 3: Data warehouses efficiently process structured data, while databases rapidly process software data.
Option 4: Data warehouses efficiently ingest large amounts of real-time data, while databases rapidly analyze large, multi-dimensional datasets.

The Correct Answer for Q6 is Option 2


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