Cloud Computing Models and Shared Responsibility Quiz Answers - Navi Era - Tech | Tutorial


Monday, November 20, 2023

Cloud Computing Models and Shared Responsibility Quiz Answers

If you're seeking accurate answers to the Cloud Computing Models and Shared Responsibility Quiz under the Digital Transformation with Google Cloud, you've come to the right place. Here, you'll find a comprehensive list of all the questions along with their corresponding answers.
Cloud Computing Models and Shared Responsibility Quiz

Cloud Computing Models and Shared Responsibility Quiz Questions and Answers

Q1. Which option best describes a benefit of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)?

Option 1: It reduces development time, as developers can go straight to coding instead of spending time setting up and maintaining a development environment.
Option 2: It's cost-effective, as all infrastructure costs are handled under a single monthly or annual subscription fee.
Option 3: It has low management overhead, as all administration and management tasks for data, servers, storage, and updates are handled by the cloud vendor.
Option 4: It’s efficient, as IaaS resources are available when needed and resources aren’t wasted by overbuilding capacity.

The Correct Answer for Q1 is Option 4

Q2. Which cloud computing service model offers a develop-and-deploy environment to build cloud applications?

Option 1: Software as a Service (SaaS)
Option 2: Function as a Service (FaaS)
Option 3: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Option 4: Platform as a Service (PaaS)

The Correct Answer for Q2 is Option 4

Q3. An organization wants to move their collaboration software to the cloud, but due to limited IT staff, one of their main drivers is having low maintenance needs. Which cloud computing model would best suit their requirements?

Option 1: Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Option 2: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Option 3: Software as a Service (SaaS)
Option 4: IT as a service (ITaaS)

The Correct Answer for Q3 is Option 3

Q4. In the cloud computing shared responsibility model, what types of content are customers always responsible for, regardless of the computing model chosen?

Option 1: The customer is responsible for security of the operating system, software stack required to run their applications and any hardware, networks, and physical security.
Option 2: The customer is not responsible for any of the data in the cloud, as data management is the responsibility of the cloud provider who is hosting the data.
Option 3: The customer is responsible for all infrastructure decisions, server configurations and database monitoring.
Option 4: The customer is responsible for securing anything that they create within the cloud, such as the configurations, access policies, and user data.

The Correct Answer for Q4 is Option 4


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